Hope Center

The ministry at the Coke Plant, now known as the Hope Center, was established in 2012 as an outreach location for Sherwood Baptist Church. The purpose of the Hope Center at the Coke Plant is to provide local outreach opportunities to reach the City of Albany and surrounding areas with the gospel, prayer, biblical teaching and serving.

Our programs at the Hope Center at the Coke Plant include:

Men’s Bible Study (Thursdays | 9 am)
Disaster Relief Storage
Life Skills Classes
Regional Operation Christmas Child Packing Location
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Administrative Office
Rahab’s Haven Ministry Office
Lighthouse Church for Samaritan’s Purse


Connections & Local Missions Pastor

Contact Us

There are a core group of volunteers who assist with the daily and weekly operation of the Hope Center. If you are interested in volunteering with the Hope Center at the Coke Plant, please send an email to HopeCenterSherwood@gmail.com or call 229.883.1910.

925 Pine Avenue
Albany, Georgia 31701