Alan Gotthardt

Sermon Notes

Here is a collection of sermons from College & Middle School Pastor, Alan Gotthardt.

Message 01

October 22, 2023 PM
Alan Gotthardt

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 18:1-5

Main Point: Humility is both the requirement for __ the kingdom of heaven and what determines our __ within it.

The World’s Understanding of Greatness

I have to achieve my own __.

This understanding makes us __ and __.

Selfish: because it forces us to look at relationships as __

Fragile: because it leaves us vulnerable to being crushed by unmet expectations and __

Jesus’ View of Greatness

The mark of true greatness is the one who __ himself to become the lowest.

How does this change the way we live?

  1.  It frees us from the __.
  2. It frees us to enjoy relationships without __.
  3. And to love the “least of these.”
  4. It frees us to receive __.
  5. It frees us from __.

Message 02

July 7, 2024 AM
Alan Gotthardt

A Life Set Free

Philippians 4:4-9

Main Idea: Paul puts us in touch with the reality of a life with God that should lead us over time to experience exactly the joy and peace described in these verses even when our circumstances don’t change for the better.

The problem with just liking the idea of rejoicing is that it doesn’t translate into __.

God’s desire is to __ us within the situations that make us anxious, not bypass them.

Paul assumes that we can be aware of and in tune with the __ himself in our lives.

No one would dare to celebrate the year of jubilee unless they had a deep trust in the __ of God to provide for their needs.

This kind of awareness of the nearness and love of God actually sets us __.

Anxiety will always be ours in abundance if we believe that what we possess is by my __, for me to use how I like, and for me alone.

We become __ when we realize that everything is God’s, we are simply __ for a season, and all that we have is available for others.

Two More Instructions

1) __ on these things… (v. 8)

2) Put these things into __. (v. 9)

“To elicit genuine celebration [joy], obedience must work itself into the ordinary fabric of our daily lives. Without that, our celebration carries a hollow sound.” – Richard Foster

“God’s normal means of bringing His joy is by redeeming and sanctifying the ordinary junctures of human life.” – Richard Foster 

Brother Lawrence: “practicing the presence of God”
Dallas Willard: the “with-God life”
Jean Pierre Cuassade: “sacrament of the present moment”
John Mark Comer: “living in the overlap of heaven and earth”
AW Tozer: “habitual conscious communion”
Apostle Paul: “praying without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

“Most people don’t really think prayer makes a difference in how God acts. The majority of us are fatalistic when it comes to prayer. Lots of people honestly believe that what’s going to happen is going to happen, with or without prayer. That kind of twisted, lazy theology is what sucks the life out of people’s prayers. Are you saying my prayers really make a difference in what God does or does not do? Yes. Do not miss that. Many Jesus followers do. What I’m saying is really important. Prayer changes reality. Prayer moves the hand of God.” – John Mark Comer, My Name Is Hope

“He said to God that it was His business he was on, and having prayed in this manner, he gave it no further thought.” – Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

“The key is training, not trying. Trying just gets you more of what you have now. We are not trying to be different people, we are training to be different people.” – Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy