Road to Revival

The messages contained here were preached in special meetings and Bible conferences across the country. Wherever he went, Havner focused on stirring revival fires in the hearts of God’s people; and through the pages of his many books, his revivalist message and influence are still felt. “We are living in a land which has been graciously blessed of God,” he writes, “but it is now sinking into paganism. The last days and the perilous times have come. Any man who can hold an open Bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other and yet cannot tell what time it is needs to hear our Lord’s sharp word, ‘O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?’ (Matt. 16:3). On the other hand, Christians all over the world are praying for revival…. Yet there is no revival. There are localized, sporadic stirrings in the body of Christ, as there have always been. But although God’s alarm clock is going off every hour in earthquakes, floods, famines, droughts, pestilences, wars and rumors of wars, there is no sign of repentance. Our nation is not at the family altar and the prayer meeting. Revelry, not repentance, is the order of the day. … But God is ever ready to bless his people when they repair the broken altars and pray for the old-time fire.”


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