A Night of Vision

Sermon Notes

A Night of Vision

It has been the church’s desire over the years to make Sunday evenings distinct.

This is a night to share important news, vision, or corporate prayer needs with as many people in the church as possible, while keeping the focus of Sunday morning on Jesus and the gospel. Click here to learn more about Sunday Nights.

Message 01

October 29, 2023 PM
Paul Gotthardt

A Night of Vision: Joining In God’s Kingdom Activity

Notes were not included. 

Message 02

February 18, 2024 PM
Paul Gotthardt

A Night of Vision: Multiplication in the Church and of the Church

Three main goals for tonight:

  1. To __
  2. To __
  3. To __

__ people is how you reach the world for Christ.

Discipling __ of people is how you do it __.

And __ is essential for both.

The ultimate goal of church planting is not __ churches; the ultimate goal of church planting is to see God’s __ expanded among the nations.

For the expansion of God’s kingdom, churches must __ multiply disciples and multiply churches in an effort to __ all people in all places.

Churches that are focused on multiplying disciples are better __ to multiply churches.