A Night of Vision

Sermon Notes

A Night of Worldview

In 1 Chronicles 12:32, we learn that the men of Issachar understood the times and had knowledge of what Israel should do. Because we live in a time of great foolishness and little discernment, this night will train believers to better understand major cultural issues and engage hard topics from a biblical perspective. Click here to learn more about Sunday Nights.

A Night of Worldview: Choosing Leaders

Important Insights for Each Night of Worldview

“He who defines the terms, controls the debate.” – Mike Evans

Worldview is how you see the world. It’s the system of beliefs or core values that inform a person’s decisions and help frame out life issues. A biblical worldview is seeing the world from God’s perspective as revealed in Scripture. That means your beliefs and values are shaped and supported by God’s Word.

Two reasons Christians believe or act in opposition to Scripture:

1) Ignorance: We don’t know what Scripture says.

2) Disobedience: We reject what Scripture says.

There are eight primary categories that come together to create a worldview. Our worldview is shaped by our beliefs on:

1) Creation/Environment

2) Religion/Spirituality

3) Education/Development

4) Relationships/Experience

5) Culture/Institutions

6) Science/Technology

7) Economics/Vocation

8) Community/Government

We have five main goals for each of our Nights of Worldview:

1) To inform believers

2) To foster a biblical worldview

3) To show the beauty and the relevance of the gospel

4) To prayerfully seek to understand God’s heart

5) To encourage believers to act in love

What are the basic steps for developing a biblical worldview?

1) Actively pursue an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

2) Study Scripture (contextually and completely) as it relates to a topic.

3) Adopt God’s perspective as your perspective.

4) If anything seems to contradict God’s perspective, give Him the benefit of the doubt, trust Him, and wait for clarity.

5) Intentionally associate with and learn from those who are on the same path, including friends, churches, blogs, books, podcasts, etc.

6) Repeat this process for the rest of your life.