
Sermon Notes


Christians are called to be disciples who make disciples. That starts with our personal relationship with God, and it moves toward engaging the mission of God. How does a church engage the mission of God together? How can we harness resources, leverage individual gifts, and focus the efforts of an entire church for the sake of God’s mission?

In this new Sherwood sermon series, we’ll talk about seven key points of alignment. When a church is united in these seven areas, there’s a synergy that happens. In this series, we study these points of engagement to learn more about what to release for greater alignment and what to hold on to for greater effectiveness.

Message 01

August 29, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#1 in series)

Engage the Mission

Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20

Four observations from the texts:

  1. The gospel is the __ of Christ’s teachings.
  2. The gospel is for __.
  3. The gospel is to be taught for __, not just information.
  4. The gospel should not __ with you.

Every Christian is called to be a disciple, and every church is called to make disciples. The two critical questions become:

  1. What is a disciple?
  2. How do you make disciples?

Where do we start?

We start __ and work out.

What’s hindering us from fully engaging in the Great Commission?

  • We’re afraid of what others might __ if we share the gospel.
  • We’re afraid of God’s ultimate __.
  • We’re afraid of how church will __ if the focus really becomes making disciples.
  • We’re afraid of __ something wrong when sharing the gospel.
  • We’re afraid of the __ of getting to the ends of the earth.

For those willing to engage the mission of God, here are 3 easy action steps.

  1. __ for ways to entrust the gospel.
  2. Entrust the gospel to your __.
  3. __ people to church, to your small group, or to some other event that brings them in contact with other believers.

Message 02

September 05, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#2 in series)

Engage the Message

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

“Everything in Scripture is either __ for the gospel, __ of the gospel, or __ in the gospel.” – Dave Harvey | Pastor, Four Oaks Community Church

“To grow in your passion for what Jesus has done, increase your __ of what He has done. Never be content with your current grasp of the gospel. The gospel is a life-permeating, world-altering, and universe-changing truth. It has more facets than a diamond. Its depths man will never exhaust.” – C. J. Mahaney, The Cross-Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing

Big Truth: You never __ the gospel; you grow __ the gospel.

The essence of the gospel:

  • Humanity was created for a relationship with God.
  • Our __ separated us from that relationship.
  • There is nothing that we can do to reconcile this relationship on our own.
  • Jesus lived a perfect life and __ on the cross to pay the penalty of our sin.
  • Jesus rose from the dead that we might have life.
  • Jesus offers __ life (reconciled relationship) to those who will repent of their sin by placing faith in Him.

The gospel of grace teaches that we are far __ than we thought, but Jesus is far __ than we imagined.

Grace is God’s unmerited favor in which He does __ us and through us and __ us what we could not do for ourselves.

Message 03

September 12, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#3 in series)

Engage the Kingdom

Matthew 4:12

Key Idea: It’s not about our __; it’s about His __.

How did people receive the message of the kingdom?

Question 1: Where does the kingdom fit into the __ of God?

Question 2: What is the kingdom of God?

“The kingdom is the spiritual reign or __ of God.” – The Concise Oxford Dictionary

“The kingdom of God is God’s sovereign activity in the world resulting in people being in right __ with Him.” – Vance Pitman

“The kingdom is the range of God’s __ will where what He wants done is done.” – Dallas Willard

Question 3: Why did Jesus say the kingdom was at __?

Question 4: How do you enter the kingdom and who are the __?

Question 5: What does it look like to __ in the kingdom?

Question 6: How does the kingdom __?

Question 7: Does the kingdom ever __?

Message 04

September 19, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#4 in series)

Engage the Bible

2 Timothy 3:16-17; John 17:17; Ephesians 6:14

The __ is to make disciples who know Christ and make Him known.

It answers the question, “What are we doing?”

The __ is the gospel of grace.

It answers the question, “What are we sharing?”

The __ is God’s sovereign activity in the world resulting in people being in right relationship with Himself.

It answers the question, “Where do we focus our efforts?”

The __ is our authority in all matters of faith and practice.

It answers the question, “Where do we ultimately submit?”

Everyone __ to someone.

Key Truth: God’s Word is truth. __ everything to the authority of Scripture. Stand on truth.

__ your Bible will make you unfit for a lot of preaching.

Correction is Scripture’s __ provision for those who accept its __ reproof.

3 Points of Application:

Application 1: __ the key truth for your life.

Application 2: Study the Bible __.

Application 3: Ask God to help you __ the beauty of God’s Word.

Message 05

September 26, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#5 in series)

Engage the Power

1 Kings 18

Key Truth 1: Bold prayer flows out of deep __, and deep trust is developed in great __.

Key Truth 2: Today’s __ is tomorrow’s victory.

  • God __ Elijah back to King Ahab. (vv. 1-20)

All spiritual growth comes back to __ God and trusting in His __.

Your __ life will never grow beyond your faith in God, and your faith in God is always __ in your prayers.

There is holy __ when we know we’ve heard from God.

  • Elijah __ the nation on Mt. Carmel. (vv. 21-35)

Each new level of spiritual growth requires a willingness to fully __ and follow God.

  • Elijah __ fire from heaven. (vv. 36-46)

God often responds in __ to how we seek Him.

Answered prayer is not about __ us; it’s about glorifying God.

The __ of sin makes room for the blessings of God.

Message 06

October 10, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#6 in series)

Engage the Family

Ephesians 2:19-22

What does it look like to live together in the Father’s house?

1) We are no longer strangers; we’re __. (v. 19)

There is a new identity that enables relationship. Who you __ prior to Christ is no longer who you __ today!

2)  We are blessed with __ because of a solid foundation. (v. 20)

One of the greatest blessings you can give your kids is a __ heritage and a __ home.

3)  We are being __ together by a loving Father. (vv. 21-22)

Part of our spiritual __ only takes place in community with other believers.

Just as much as God molds our character __, He also fits us together corporately.

Your connection to the local church is an essential aspect of your __ as a disciple.

Even when God seems __, He’s always at work.

Message 07

October 10, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#7 in series)

Engage the Purpose

1 Corinthians 10:31; Isaiah 6:1-5

Focusing on the glory of God impacts many “practical” parts of your walk as a disciple.

  • We gain greater __ by focusing the glory of God.
  • We get to __ God more by focusing on the glory of God.
  • Our __ is revealed when focusing on the glory of God.
  • __ is developed by focusing on the glory of God.

Even if the outlook is __, the uplook is always good!

What can we learn about God’s glory from seeing the exalted King?

  • God’s glory is never __ by circumstances (v.1,3).

We can __ God and prove Him glorious, or we can __ God and prove Him glorious.

  • God’s glory and holiness are continually __ (v.2-4).

The glory of God is the infinite __ and greatness of God’s many perfections.

  • God’s glory reveals our true__ before Him (v.5).

REFLECTION: If we are to effectively and collectively make Christ known among the nations, we must be united on some key areas. We need to collectively believe that…

  • The MISSION is to make disciples who know Christ and make Him known.
  • The MESSAGE is the Gospel of grace.
  • The KINGDOM is God’s sovereign activity in the world resulting in people being in right
  • relationship with Himself.
  • The BIBLE is our authority in all matters of faith and practice.
  • The POWER is bold prayer that flows from deep trust.
  • The FAMILY is a united, biblical community of covenant believers who respect, love, and
  • serve each other.
  • The PURPOSE is the glory of God.