
Sermon Notes


Each stage of life is filled with new opportunities and challenges. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, a new parent or grandparent, starting a new career or entering retirement, we need to be equipped for each stage of life. Believers are called to seek God’s will, walk wisely, and live faithfully. And just about the time you get a handle on your current stage, everything changes. While the first half of life brings more at every turn, the second half of life reclaims much of what has been given.

God designed this equipping – or discipleship – to happen primarily in the home. How can the church support believers to live well and train their families to do the same? What are the truths, habits, and disciplines that help us run the race well? Scripture addresses all matters of faith and practice. 

Message 01

October 17, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#1 in series)

Establishing a Godly Home


Joshua 24:15b


There are three basic parts to the Great Commission:

  • Make disciples
  • __ disciples
  • Teach disciples


The church is in the disciple-making __.


Big Truth:
Godly homes are established __ and __.


The Greek word for a network of relationships is oikos. In the New Testament, it is most often translated as “household” or “home.”


Regardless of what is taught in church, it can all be __ by what’s lived in the home.



Over the course of the next week, I want to encourage you to do three things:

  • Ask God to save your kids at an early age.
  • Ask God to show you any areas where your example has become a deterrent.
  • Ask God if there are any friends or families you know of who are wrestling with similar concerns. If so, I encourage you to invite them to be with us on these Sundays.

Message 02

October 24, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#2 in series)

Understanding Discipline

Various Passages


For discipline to be effective, it requires at least three essential pieces: 

  1. An __ of discipline
  2. A plan for discipline
  3. __ with discipline


An Understanding of Discipline

What is discipline? What is the goal? 

Discipline is the process of removing __ and instilling __.

“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of discipline will remove it far from him.” – Proverbs 22:15

“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” – Proverbs 22:6

“The rod and reproof give wisdom. But a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother.” – Proverbs 29:15

“Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.” – Proverbs 13:24

“Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives.” – Proverbs 19:18

“Don’t fail to discipline your children. They won’t die if you spank them. Physical discipline may well save them from death.” – Proverbs 23:13-14

Discipline is not just a __ for doing wrong.

Discipline is not a way for parents to let off __.

Discipline is not about __ a child’s spirit. 


A Plan for Discipline

What should we do? 

Parents needs a biblical, __ plan to instill discipline.


Consistency with Discipline

What does consistency look like? 

Do the same things over and over with minimal room for __ and __.


Download the Wisdom and Foolishness resource mentioned in this sermon.

Message 03

October 31, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#3 in series)

Developing a Discipleship Plan


Deuteronomy 6:4-9


Major hurdles that get in the way of strong discipleship happening at home:

1)  __: When do I do it?

2)  Knowledge: What do I do?

3)  __: How can I do this regularly?

4)  Qualification: Am I really qualified to do this?



Big Concept: We __ what we know; we __ who we are.


  • A discipleship plan should be __.



  • A discipleship plan should be __.
    When developing a discipleship plan, all Scripture is equally __, but all Scripture is not equally emphasized.



  • A discipleship plan should be __.



  • A discipleship plan should have the __ in mind.


Message 04

November 07, 2021 AM
Ken Bevel
(#4 in series)

Parenting Children in Rebellion

Genesis 4:1-15


God’s Word can handle every situation and season in life.

  • What should happen ___.
  • What should happen __.
  • What should happen __.


I. What Should Happen Before the Rebellion

  • God addresses __ immediately. (v. 6)
  • God, in His most loving and compassionate nature, presents __ and __. (v. 7)
    – Ask for __ from the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26)
    – Share __ and do not assume they know.


II. What Should Happen at the Point of Rebellion

  • God holds Cain __. (vv. 9-10)
  • God issues a __.
  • God withholds __.


III. What Should Happen After Rebellion

  • God does not __ to Cain’s cry.
  • God still acts with __ and __.


Practical Application

  •  __ pray. (Ezek. 36:24-27)
  • Seek one-on-one conversations to gain __. Express what you love and what goes against what you believe. (Matt. 18:15-17)
  • Encourage your children to __ the Lord. (Prov. 14:27)
  • Do not __ your children to continue in sin. Ask God for other ways to express your love. (1 John 3:8)
  • Ensure you and your spouse are on the __.
  • Continue to love in __.
  • As much as possible, keep the lines of __ open. (Rom. 12:18)
  • Understand that it will not always turn out well. __ them into the hands of a loving, righteous, and holy God. (v. 16)

Message 05

November 14, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#5 in series)

Societal Trends, Role Reversal, and a Need for Biblical Modeling Among the Sexes, Part 1

Genesis 1:27


My three goals for the next two messages:

1) To bring __ to a problem that’s decimating families and individuals.

2) To let hurting people know there is help and hope in the gospel.

3) To provide biblical insights to help you __ with God and those you love on a meaningful level.


Problem 1:
God’s __ and God’s __ are under attack. There is a relentless and destructive message coming through the channels of culture that being a man is __ and being a woman is not __.


What does that mean to be made in God’s image?

It means we’re made to __ God. Mentally, morally, and socially, we’re made in God’s likeness.

  •  __, we’re created with the ability to reason and choose.
  • Morally, we were created in righteousness as a reflection of God’s holiness.
  • __, we’ve been created for relationship and community.


There are seven recognized channels of culture:
– __
– social sector
– __ 
– church
– education
– arts and entertainment
– media


Problem 2:
Our society is experiencing a vacuum of __ young men, due in part to role reversal, __ manhood, and encouraging __ role models.


What is the answer?

1) Christian men must __ God’s design for biblical manhood.

2) Christian men must teach and __ these truths before their kids.

Message 06

November 21, 2021 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#6 in series)

Societal Trends, Role Reversal, and a Need for Biblical Modeling Among the Sexes, Part 2

Genesis 1:27

Problem 1:
God’s authority and God’s image are under attack. There is a relentless and destructive message coming through the channels of culture that being a man is toxic and being a woman is not enough.

Problem 2:
Our society is experiencing a vacuum of mature young men, due in part to role reversal, devaluing manhood, and encouraging immature role models.

Problem 3:
Our society is facing a growing number of __ women, due in part to role reversal, __ womanhood, and establishing __ role models.

What is the answer?

1) Christian women must embrace God’s __ for biblical womanhood.

2) Christian women must __ and model these truths before their kids.

“Our greatest fear should not be of __, but of __ at things in life that don’t really matter.” – Francis Chan

Download Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Resource Here

Message 07

April 24, 2022
Paul Gotthardt
(#7 in series) 

Equipped: God’s Design for Marriage


Ephesians 5:22-23


Key Thought: __ are found at the __.


Key Truth: God’s basic design for marriage can be expressed in three words: __, cleave, and __.

  • Leave __ and mother
  • Cleave to your __
  • Weave together so that the two become one for __.


Reflection: If you’re married, engaged to be married, or thinking about marriage, I cannot overemphasize the importance of spending some time with God’s design. Talk to each other about God’s design: leave, cleave, and weave.

  • Do we __ it?
  • Have we strayed from God’s design?
  • Are other relationships __ out our relationship with each other?
  • Are we making a concerted effort to unite together, or have we gotten into a “mine and yours” mentality?
  • Is our relationship defined as two __ one or one __ for two?

Message 08

May 01, 2022 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#8 in series)

Equipped: God’s Instructions for Wives 


Ephesians 5:22-24, 33


In Genesis 2:24, God shared His design for marriage that can be summarized in three words: Leave, Cleave, and Weave.


Five contextual perimeters:
__, Section, __, Subject, __


The BOOK: There are three major themes that are emphasized in the book of Ephesians.

  • All Christians are __ together in the Body of Christ.
  • All Christians have everything they need in Christ.
  • All Christians are called to live out these spiritual truths for the __ of the Father, the building up of the Body, and the advancement of God’s Kingdom.


The SECTION: Ephesians is clearly divided into two sections.

  • Correct __ : Chapters 1-3 describe the contents of our “spiritual account” in Christ.
  • Correct __ : Chapters 4-6 provide application for what we’ve been given.


The CHAPTER: Based on context and the complete picture of
chapter 5, both men and women are told to love with agape love,
be subject to one other, and take the selfless path of wisdom.


The SUBJECT: The subject in verses 22-33 is __. 
Marriage is JUST ONE area where God can be glorified through us in everyday life.


The VERSES: God’s instructions for husbands and wives are not
about worth, value, favoritism, or sexism. It’s all about order and
design, and how God can be most glorified in our marriages.

It’s important to see that throughout this section, husbands and wives are reminded of their __, not their __.


Conclusion/Reflection: What can you do if you want what God wants but that’s not where you are?

  • __ to God
  • Abide in Christ
  • __ to your spouse
  • Start today

Message 09

May 08, 2022 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#9 in series)

EQUIPPED: God’s Instructions for Wives and Husbands

Ephesians 5:25-33


Key Thought: These __ commands given to believers in chapter 5 mirror the __ commands given to husbands and wives in marriage.



How does Jesus love the Church? This list is not exhaustive, but it helps us see a few specific ways that Christ loved the Church.

  • Jesus loved us when we were __. 
    He pursued us even when we were antagonistic towards Him and hateful of Him.
  • He sacrificed everything for us, didn’t give up on us, and always has our best interest in mind.
  • He didn’t make us __ His love; He loves us with an unconditional acceptance. He pursues us with grace and mercy and truth.
  • He doesn’t withhold His love until we do everything right.
    When we mess up, He’s always waiting.
  • He doesn’t load us up with unrealistic __.
    He says, “Be with Me. Abide in Me. Rest in Me.”



Key Truth: Intimacy grows in __, but it is stifled in __.



If you’re wrestling with these truths, here are two questions for perspective:

1) Are these instructions written from the __ of responsibilities or rights?

2) Aren’t you __ God doesn’t __ you that way?



Reflection Questions: Take these thoughts home, think over them, and act based on the leading of God’s Spirit.

  • Have my dreams, desires, and plans become a list of expectations for my spouse?
  • If marriage is a microcosm of Christ and His Church, what is currently getting in the way of the world seeing Christ in my marriage?

Message 10

May 15, 2022 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#10 in series)

Equipped: God’s Instructions for Husbands 


Ephesians 5:25-33


Key Thought:
Christian marriage flows out of a __-filled life.


There are five aspects of Jesus’ relationship with the Church
that are to be mirrored in a husband’s love for his wife.

1) Jesus __ the Church. (v. 25a)


2) Jesus __ for the Church. (v. 25b)


3) Jesus __ the Church toward holiness. (v. 26)


4) Jesus __ the Church in the Word. (v. 26)


5) Jesus __ the Church as a radiant bride. (v. 27)

Message 11

May 14, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#11 in series)

Equipped: The Beauty of Motherhood


Proverbs 31:28a 


“Her children rise up and bless her; her husband also, and he praises her…” – Proverbs 31:28a


The difference between a __ mom and a great mom is __.


What are some attributes of godly mothers?
A godly mother will…

  • __ her children
    (Isaiah 66:13)


  • Gather and __ her children
    (Luke 13:34)


  • __ and nurture her children
    (Titus 2:4-5; 2 Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 4:29-32; Galatians 5:22; 1 Peter 3:8-9)


  • Regularly __ her children
    (Deuteronomy 4:10; 6:1-9; Proverbs 6:20; Psalm 78:5-6)


  • Faithfully __ her children
    (Proverbs 22:6)


  • Consistently and lovingly __ her children
    (Ephesians 6:4; Hebrews 12:5-11; Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15-17)


  • Model __ before her children
    (Deuteronomy 4:9; Proverbs 10:9; Psalm 37:18, 37)


  • Display sincere __ before her children
    (2 Timothy 1:5)


  • Diligently __ for her children
    (Luke 18:1; Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)


  • Know when to __ her children
    (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31)

Message 12

May 21, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#12 in series)

Equipped: Mentoring and Womanhood


Titus 2:3-5


Big Truth: Mentoring does not have to be __ to be __.


Based on this text, what can we learn about biblical mentoring and the call to maturity in Christ?


1) Biblical mentoring begins by __ the right behaviors. (v. 3)


If you’re looking for someone to mentor you, what should you look for?

  • __ in their behavior
  • Not a malicious gossip
  • Not __ to much wine
  • Teaching what is good


2) Biblical mentoring requires __ believers to share what is true and __ believers to receive what is shared. (vv. 4-5a)


There are three main characteristics that will keep a lot of mentors from engaging with a person: an __ spirit, an __ attitude, and an __ to act.


Older women are to train the younger women to have a sound mind, self-control, and a sensible attitude about…

  • Loving their __
  • Loving their children
  • Being __
  • Being pure
  • Being __ at home
  • Being kind
  • Being __ to their own husbands


3) Biblical mentoring is grounded in a __ higher than personal growth. (v. 5b)


According to this text, we strive for maturity and mentor others so that…

  • “The word of God will not be dishonored” (v. 5)
  • “The opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us” (v. 8)
  • “They will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect” (v. 10)

Message 13

May 28, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#13 in series)

Equipped: The Blessing of Singleness


1 Corinthians 7:6-9, 32-34


Key Truth: Singleness is not a __ to break, a time to indulge, or a period to __. Singleness is a blessing to __ and an opportunity to devote yourself more fully to the Lord.


We’re going to approach this topic by walking through three main categories:

1) A __ View of Singleness


2) A Biblical __ of Singleness

Being married is not our ultimate __ in life.

  • Singleness and marriage are __ from God. (vv. 6-7) __ is not determined by marital status.
  • Marriage is not required for all, and singleness may be God’s __ for some. (vv. 8-9)
  • Singleness and marriage have certain __. (vv. 32-34)


3) A __ Approach to Singleness

  • In every stage of life, __ Jesus fully and discover your value, worth, and identity in Him.
  • Ask God to teach you lessons today that He will use for your life tomorrow (whether you remain single or get married).
  • Be fully __ in your single life.
  • Do not embrace the lie that singleness is the time to do whatever you want (sexually, experientially, flippantly).
  • You’ll marry someone you __ — date wisely.
  • Stop trying to plan out every detail of how, when, and where you’ll meet your future spouse.
  • The best way to __ the right person is to __ the right person.
  • Embracing singleness in a godly way will better position you to meet a future spouse.
  • Being married DOES NOT __ you.
  • It’s never God’s will for a Christian to marry a non-Christian. (2 Corinthians 6:14)
  • It’s better to do __ counseling when you first start talking about engagement than to do premarital counseling after you’re already engaged.
  • If you’re single, listen to and value your parents’ thoughts on a future spouse.
  • It’s better to ask hard __ before marriage than to discover unwanted __ after saying, “I do.”

Message 14

June 04, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#14 in series)

Equipped: Praying for Your Future Spouse 


Various Passages


What characteristics should you look for? How specific should you be in your prayers? What are some biblical principles to remember?


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” – Philippians 4:6


“You do not have because you do not ask.” – James 4:2b


Ephesians 5:22-33 addresses husbands and wives, roles and responsibilities, and God’s desire for interactions within the marriage relationship. If you want to be specific in your prayers for a future spouse, this is a good section to walk through and pinpoint key pieces for prayer.


Key Truth: When praying for a future spouse, pray God’s __ before your __.


As you build out your prayer points for a future spouse, allow these pieces to help shape the process even more.

• Allow your personal circumstances to add __ to your prayers.

• Keep a prayer journal and __ what God is teaching you.

• Pray that God __ the person (today) who will become your spouse (tomorrow).

• Pray that __ or __ do not leave you with regrets. Impatience to get married can cause you to rush decisions and overlook warning signs. Apathy about getting married can cause you to do nothing because you think there’s plenty of time.

• Don’t just __ these things for your future spouse; __ these things as a future spouse.

Conclusion: Pray God’s Word before your wishes. Be fervent in your prayers. Start early and keep consistent in your prayers.

Message 15

June 18, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#15 in series)

Equipped: The Bravery of Fatherhood


Proverbs 20:7; Ephesians 5-6


“A righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.” – Proverbs 20:7, NKJV


Big Idea: God has perfectly designed the family to thrive when it’s functioning under His __ and according to His __.


In God’s design, the husband is to be the spiritual __ of the home and the wife is to be the spiritual __ of the home.


According to Ephesians 5-6…

  • God’s role for the husband is to be a spiritual leader who __, provides, and __.
  • God’s role for the wife is to a submissive helpmate who __, instructs, and __.


As Christians, we cannot embrace the __ of the world and expect the __ of God.


Provoking to anger means “repeated, ongoing treatment that gradually builds anger and resentment.”


How do parents provoke their children to anger and resentment? (This is not an exhaustive list…)

1) __ your kids

2) Showing favoritism to one child over another

3) Pushing __ beyond reasonable bounds

4) Pointing out everything your child does wrong

5) Giving __ confidence and praise

6) Making everything about your kids

7) Making your kids feel __ or unloved

Message 16

June 25, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#16 in series)

Equipped: Maturity and Manhood


Titus 2:2, 6


Growth Principle: People will either live __ to or live __ to the expectations placed upon them.


What are some key principles from Titus 2 that we need to embrace with maturity and manhood?


1) Older men are to __ Christian maturity. (v. 2)

Verse 2 tells us that older men are to be recognized by six mature characteristics:

1) __
2) __
3) __


(The word “sound” refers to that which is healthy, proper, whole, or as it’s supposed to be.)

4) Sound in __ (healthy, proper, whole, as it should be)
5) Sound in __ (healthy, proper, whole, as it should be)
6) Sound in __ (healthy, proper, whole, as it should be)


2) Younger men are urged to be __ (self-controlled, prudent). (v. 6)

  • Youthfulness can be __.
  • Youthfulness can bring __.
  • Youthfulness can encourage __.


Conclusion: The __ we make today will become the __ we leave tomorrow.

Message 17

July 02, 2023 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#17 in series)

Equipped: Single Parenting 

Genesis 16:13; 21:9-21

Many single parents are asking…

  • Does God __ what’s happening?
  • Does God hear my cry?
  • What am I __ to do?
  • How will we make it?
  • Will my kids be __?

In Hagar’s story, God answers those questions in a powerful way.

  • God __. (16:13)
  • God hears. (21:16-17)
  • God __. (21:18)
  • God provides. (21:19)
  • God __. (21:20-21)

Next Steps…

  • Apart from the truths we’ve discovered in the story of Hagar, here are a few extra pieces.
  • Live your __ in front of your kids.
  • Do what you say.
  • Encourage family __.
  • Build a network of support with other Christian friends and families.
  • As much as within you, be at __ with the other parent.
  • Pray with and for your kids.
  • Find godly role __ at church.
  • Do not lean on your kids in unhealthy ways.

Message 18

May 12, 2024 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#18 in series)

Equipped: Facing the Fears of Parenthood 

What are some biblical stories of parents (specifically moms) who faced major fears related to their children? We find the story of…

  • __, the mother of Moses, in Exodus 1-2.
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus, in Luke 2 and Matthew 2.
  • The widow at __ in 1 Kings 17.
  • The Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4.

What are four verses on fear that everyone should memorize?

  • 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (NLT)
  • Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (ESV)
  • Psalm 34:4: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” (ESV)
  • Psalm 56:3-4: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?” (ESV)

If God __ it, He’s using it. If He’s using it, I __ it. If I need it, I can be __ for it.

Big Truth: Our __ supports either fear or faith.

What am I trying to __ in these circumstances?

From the four stories we covered, what lessons can we learn that will support our faith if we change our focus?

  • God is always in __.
  • God’s __ is not determined by our position.
  • There is no coincidence with God—just __.
  • __ God and let Him work out the details.
  • People have resources; God is the __. His ability to provide is not __ to our network or knowledge.
  • There are no __ situations with God.
  • When God is __, it doesn’t have to make sense.
  • Some answers come in a __; some answers come in __. Both can be from God.
  • God is doing __ in the moment than we could ever imagine.
  • The lessons God teaches us __ are NOT ONLY about today.

Message 19

June 16, 2024 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#19 in series)

Equipped: Generational Instructions for Dads 

Proverbs 4:1

Generational transference is the primary way God ordained for His truth to be preserved and invested from generation to generation
(Deuteronomy 6:3-9; Ephesians 6:1-4; 2 Timothy 1:3-5; 2:2; 3:14-17)

Proverbs 4 provides three sections on wise instruction.

  • Verses 1-9 encourage us to __ wise instruction.
  • Verses 10-19 admonish us to __ wise instruction.
  • Verses 20-27 challenge us to __ wise instruction.

Verses 1-9 encourage us to receive wise instruction.

  • Wise instruction is __. (v. 2)
  • Wise instruction provides __. (vv. 5-8)
  • Wise instruction brings __. (vv. 8-9)

Verses 10-19 admonish us to live wise instruction.

Verses 20-27 challenge us to embody wise instruction.

  • __: What am I listening to? (v. 20)
  • Heart: Am I guarding my heart? (v. 23)
  • __: Are my words truthful? (v. 24)
  • Eyes: Have I set my eyes on wisdom? (v. 25)
  • __: Are my steps established by the Lord? (vv. 26-27)

Big Truth:

There are generational benefits that come when dads (parents) teach their children to __, live, and __ wise instruction.

Reminders to help dads embrace their role as the spiritual head of the home.

  • Dads __ their children.
    (Proverbs 4:1; Ephesians 5:23)
  • Dads model godly behavior for their children.
    (Proverbs 20:7; Ephesians 5:22-33)
  • Dads __ and provide for their children.
    (Ephesians 5:31; 1 Timothy 5:8; 1 Peter 3:7)
  • Dads discipline their children.
    (Proverbs 13:24; 22:15; Ephesians 6:1-4)
  • Dads __ their children.
    (Deuteronomy 4:9; Psalm 78:5-8; Proverbs 4; 15:5; 22:6; Ephesians 6:4)
  • Dads have compassion for their children.
    (Malachi 4:6)
  • Dads __ and comfort their children.
    (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
  • Dads carry the weight for their children.
    (Deuteronomy 1:29-31)
  • Dads __ their children.
    (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:31; Colossians 3:21)