Previous AM Messages

Sermon Notes

October 13, 2024 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#5 in series)

Download a PDF of the sermon notes by clicking here. 

Download a PDF of the children’s sermon notes by clicking here. 

All In: Gospel Detachment 

1 Corinthians 15:1-4


Familiar gospel statements:

  • You never outgrow the gospel; you grow into the gospel.
  • The gospel is not just the good news that saves; it is the good news that sanctifies.
  • The gospel is not only what we need to be saved; the gospel is what we need to live as saved people.
  • The gospel is the good news of God’s design, sin’s intrusion, and Christ’s solution for human flourishing.


Gospel __ leads to Christian __.


When believers stand in the gospel, it will…

  • __ religious demands.
  • Confront selfish desires.
  • __ God’s mercy and grace.
  • Call us to see God for who He is.
  • __ us to love people selflessly.
  • Commission us to go to the nations.
  • __ us in our failures.
  • Calm us in our fears.
  • __ us of sin and entitlement.
  • Contest the accusations of the enemy.


Big Truth: __ firmly to the gospel we received helps us __ firmly in the gospel we know.



How do you know if you’re holding firmly to the gospel of religion or the gospel of you? Here are some warning signs:

  • You get frustrated with God because He’s not giving you what you think you deserve.
  • You’re upset with God because you’re twice as good as some other person, but you only have a fraction of what they have.
  • You fail to extend grace in the same way you have received it from God.
  • You’re only interested in messages that immediately profit you.
  • You’re worn out by trying to live up to God’s standard.
  • You hate yourself for your failures.
  • You want God to adjust His plans around your agenda.
  • You live with a consumer mentality and not a contributor mentality.

October 06, 2024 AM
Garrett Grubbs

Download a PDF of the sermon notes by clicking here. 

Download a PDF of the children’s sermon notes by clicking here. 

All In: Respond To God’s Healing Invitation

John 5:1-18

1) Recognize what God has done to make __ __. (John 5:1-2)

2) Know in the multitude of the broken, Jesus __ and __.

(John 5:3-6; 1 Peter 5:7)

3) Jesus extends an invitation to __. (John 5:6)

4) Stop making __ and looking to __ __ to be your fix. (John 5:7)

5) Hear the Lord’s __ and respond __. (John 5:8-9)

6) Not everyone __ with your healing, but let His healing __ __. (John 5:10-17)

September 29, 2024 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#4 in series)

Download a PDF of the sermon notes by clicking here. 

Download a PDF of the children’s sermon notes by clicking here. 

All In: Compartmentalized Living

Revelation 19:16; John 20:28

Compartmentalized living reveals two misunderstandings:

  1. God’s true __
  2. Our actual __ before Him

Does God have the __ to radically change the course of your life – without asking your __?

“On His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:16

“Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” John 20:28

Revelation 19:11-16 describes the triumph of Christ.

Verse 11: “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.”

Verse 12: “His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself.”

Verse 13: “He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.”

Verses 14-15: “And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.”

Verse 16: “And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, ‘King of kings, and Lord of lords.’”

Key Thought: Compartmentalized living only exists when we have a __ view of God and an __ view of self.


  • Does God have the right to radically change the course of your life – without asking your permission?
  • Have you intentionally or unintentionally sectioned off parts of your life under the categories of “real life” and “spiritual life”?
  • Are there parts of your life that are currently closed off to God’s input (your past, your future, your marriage, your finances, your work goals, your vacation or retirement plans, areas of besetting sin, etc.)?
  • Is God prompting you to share Jesus with coworkers or neighbors, but you keep saying, “No”?
  • Is God leading you to make changes in your giving, your time, your family dynamics, your focus, your future, but you’re resisting because it doesn’t align with your plan?

September 22, 2024 AM
Paul Gotthardt
(#3 in series)

Download a PDF of the sermon notes by clicking here. 

Download a PDF of the children’s sermon notes by clicking here. 

All In: Busyness, Packed Schedules, No Margin 

Luke 10:38-42

Key Idea: In a world of __ and distractions, we must operate with God’s __ and practice the spiritual disciplines.

This story helps explain the balance of the two great __.

This story challenges us to come to Jesus’ __.

This story reminds us to place a high priority on God’s __.

This story shows the __ of distractions that come with busyness.

This story clarifies __.


  • The quiet disciplines are only developed in stillness, by creating margin, and by treasuring Christ above all else.
  • There’s a time to serve and there’s a time to sit.
  • We cannot make up for lost intimacy by redoubling our efforts in service.
  • What is distracting and pulling you away from Jesus?
  • What needs to change for you to truly sit at Jesus’ feet?
  • What needs to change in our church for people to fully live these truths?