The Beginning of Rest

  • Paul Gotthardt
  • |
  • 03/09/2025
  • |
  • Genesis 2:1-3

The Beginning of Rest

  • Paul Gotthardt
  • 03/09/2025
  • Genesis 2:1-3

The Beginning of Rest

  • Paul Gotthardt
  • |
  • 03/09/2025
  • |
  • Genesis 2:1-3

The Beginning of Rest

  • Paul Gotthardt
  • 03/09/2025
  • Genesis 2:1-3


Engage: That We May Make Him Known

Christians are called to be disciples who make disciples. That starts with our personal relationship with God, and it moves toward engaging the mission of God. How does a church engage the mission of God together? How can we harness resources, leverage individual gifts, and focus the efforts of an entire church for the sake of God’s mission? In this new Sherwood sermon series, we’ll talk about seven key points of alignment. When a church is united in these seven areas, there’s a synergy that happens. In this series, we study these points of engagement to learn more about what to release for greater alignment and what to hold on to for greater effectiveness.

All Episodes in this Podcast