Ladies Bible Study – Precept: Leviticus

Sherwood Baptist Church

Precept – Leviticus: A Holy God, A Holy People What do sacrifices, priesthoods, and feasts teach us about how we can be holy and worship God properly? This excellent study will help you understand the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. See precisely what the Bible says about some of God’s laws given to…

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Sherwood Baptist Church

This study invites you into the daring faith modeled by Esther and her cousin Mordecai - a faith rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances, and used to change the world.

English As A Second Language (ESL)

Sherwood Baptist Church

English as a second language is a class for individuals who have a desire to speak and write English. 

Sherwood Worship Rehearsal

Sherwood Baptist Church

Choir and Orchestra rehearsal will take place during regularly scheduled Wednesday night programming in the choir room and Worship Center. Worshipers high school age and older are welcome. Come try it out! 

Fully Devoted

Sherwood Baptist Church

The study will explore a reproducible pathway for discipleship that takes believers from first steps to full surrender to Jesus.  In addition, men will gain a biblical understanding of the gospel and the call of discipleship.

Financial Peace

Sherwood Baptist Church

Financial Peace helps you learn to pay off debt and manage your finances around a budget. It teaches you to see money as a tool rather than a master. Designed around biblical principles, this course can help you find financial freedom.

Explore the Word

Sherwood Baptist Church

Sherwood traditional Wednesday night offering. Prayer and Bible study with old and young, singles and married. Currently they are in the book of Ephesians.

Homegrown: Cultivating Kids in the Fruit of the Spirit

Sherwood Baptist Church

In this six-session study, discover the fruit of the Spirit in the context of your parenting, learn how to cultivate growth in your children, and explore practical ways to live out the fruit of the Spirit together.

Eight Questions … And the God Who Is Asking

Sherwood Baptist Church

God doesn't always answer our questions, and sometimes our prayers seem to go unanswered. God is not ignoring us; we may just need to answer a few questions from Him before He answers ours. God's questions challenge us to think differently about what it means to live in His will and truly trust Him in…

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Taste and See: Revelation

Sherwood Baptist Church

This is a deep-dive exploration of the Book of Revelation. Its slower pace makes this study ideal for beginners and experienced students alike. Practical study methods will aid in a deeper understanding of timelines and headlines. Participants will also recongnize the unique opportunities for evangelism this Book provides.