Sermon Notes

AM Message

July 14, 2024 AM
Clayton Cloer

Download a PDF of the sermon notes by clicking here. 
Download a PDF of the children’s sermon notes by clicking here. 

Joy In Life

1 John 1:1-10

Three alarming trends:

  • Only 3 out of every 10 people born after 1995 are positive about the future
  • Depression among US teen girls is up more than 80% in the last 8 years
  • Suicide rate is up 151% for females and 110% for males

1) __ That You Can Trust

2) __ That You Can Trust
(2 Peter 1:16-18)

Three present __ influence beliefs:

  1. Power of the masses to persecute belief through social media
  2. Public shaming of the gospel/church
  3. Populous plurality – the popularizing and legitimatizing of many other views of life

“Some books were no more than assumptions piled on assumptions…Conclusions were reached on the basis of little or no data at all…The whole case for the non-divine Jesus who stumbled into Jerusalem and somehow got crucified…that whole picture which had floated around the liberal circles I frequented as an atheist for thirty years – that case was not made. Not only was it not made, I discovered in this field some of the worst and most biased scholarship I’d ever read.” – Annie Rice

3) __ That You Can Trust

4) __ That You Can Trust
(John 15:11-15)

PM Message

July 14, 2024 PM
Clayton Cloer

Download a PDF of the sermon notes by clicking here. 

Doctrine Does Matter

Titus 2:1-5

1) __ transcends time and culture

4 Objections to Truth:

  • “It is arrogant to insist your religion is right and to convert others to it.”
  • “All major religions are equally valid and basically teach the same thing.”
  • “Each religion sees part of spiritual truth, but none can see the whole truth.”
  • “Religious belief is too culturally and historically conditioned to be truth.”

2) __ is the teaching of the revealed set of truth

Sound doctrine will spring from a __ foundation and extend to a __ manifestation.

3) Doctrine matters because the __ is pure and __ is evil

4) Doctrine matters because you will __ others

5) Doctrine matters because you have to __ the truth to be set free